Education Programs
Welcome to The Nicki Scully Legacy, where we offer a range of educational programs focused on the ancient practices of shamanism and the Egyptian mysteries. Our courses are designed to provide students with a deep understanding of these powerful traditions, as well as practical tools for spiritual growth and healing. Click here to learn more about our programs and how you can get involved today!
Transformation In The Belly Of The Goddess
Sekhmet is the lioness goddess of the Egyptian Pantheon, a fierce protector of truth, balance, and the cosmic order of Ma’at. You are invited to drink deeply of the nectar of the Goddess, and awaken to renewed life! Sekhmet’s name means Power, the Mighty One. She is the feminine face of the sun, the Lady of Flame. During this time of planetary peril, she is calling for recognition and wishes to empower all who respond to her call. Known to all traditions, her myths and legends are as old as time. Sekhmet, the Egyptian goddess of both destruction and healing is the feminine fire that transforms; she is also the quintessential compassionate healer. Sekhmet’s name is resounding from the lips of men and women who are actively reclaiming their power.
In this book you are guided through a shamanic ritual of alchemical transformation and initiation with Sekhmet, working with this powerful goddess to release your most deeply rooted negative behavior patterns and be reborn into a more purified state of consciousness.
This journey of shamanic death, illumination, and rebirth in the belly of Sekhmet provides an opportunity to heal on all levels and allows you to release your rage, anger, and fear as you transform the energies that maintained them into creative and constructive solutions that benefit yourself, your community, and the planet.

Sekhmet: Transformation in the Belly of the Goddess Courses

Sekhmet, the Egyptian Lioness Goddess of fierce compassion, invites you to participate in an Egyptian Mysteries retreat, an alchemical process of transformation. During this week-long intensive you will create a physical symbol that holds the most difficult and obstinate qualities and characteristics you carry in your body, mind, soul, and spirit; those troublesome habit patterns that keep you from achieving the full potential of your sacred purpose in this life. You and your offerings will be devoured by the goddess, and you will observe and participate in the experience of the devouring, digesting, and rebuilding of your being as you learn to walk between worlds and live the magic and power of this extremely vital Goddess.
As with any deep shamanic/alchemical work, you will experience shamanic death, disintegration, and an extraordinary opportunity for illumination while you are reconstructed and renewed in a way that feeds both the personal and collective evolutionary processes. This work is accomplished through a number of powerful initiatory rites and shamanic journeys.
Upcoming Sekhmet Courses
Join Sekhmet, Nik and Cheryl, for a 7 day retreat to both deeply immerse in this process and have time for integration in a held sacred space.
We will have time journeying, journaling, sharing and integrating.
Dates: Friday Sept 27 - Friday Oct 4th 2024
Location: Willow Roots Healing Centre in Grand Bend, ON, CA
There is an option to join us virtually as well!
Course Facilitator

Cheryl Aarts