Nicki's Circle
Welcome to Nicki's Circle page, a heartfelt tribute to the extraordinary community of teachers, students, and friends who have shared in the laughter, love, magic, and adventures with Nicki throughout the years. This space is where we shine a light on the incredible individuals who have worked with Nicki over the years.
Here, we honor the immense impact that these special souls have had on Nicki's journey. Their presence and contributions have added depth, meaning, and color to her experiences. It is through their companionship and shared moments that the tapestry of her life has gained its exquisite texture and richness.
Thank you, for exploring this treasured space and for being a part of our circle.
We know there are many more of you out there that should be included here.
If you have been a contributor to this community and do not see your information included below, please contact us to be included.

Jeya Aerenson
Jeya Aerenson, OMD, LAc, LPF, is a respected educator, practitioner, and community member helping people overcome challenges and grow to be their most vibrant selves. She has over 30 years of experience in Acupuncture/Chinese Medicine, with a Doctorate in Chinese Medicine, a Bachelors in Social Work, and certifications from the Center for Mind-Body Medicine (Supervisor) , Biodynamic Cranio-Sacral Therapy, Reiki Master, and more.
She has been a student of Nicki's since 2001, is part of the lineage of Thoth, and became an Alchemical Healing instructor in 2005. The practices of Alchemical Healing inform all her work.
Her compassion is apparent when she has offered trauma relief after devastating events – hurricane Katrina, forest fires, landslides, and the 8.2 earthquake in Oaxaca, Mexico.
Jeya is on the faculty of the Subtle Winds psilocybin facilitation program and is a Licensed Psilocybin Facilitator in the State of Oregon. She offers classes and individual psilocybin microdose coaching. Jeya brings years of experience and enthusiasm to her classes, whether it is facilitating groups in Mind-Body skills, teaching Qi Gong, acupuncture and acupressure, or the practices she has learned from traditional healers and been given permission to share. She understands that everyone learns in their distinctive way, so each session includes visual, auditory and tactile forms of learning.
When Jeya isn’t doing the work that she loves, she can be found playing with her wonderful dog Rafa, exploring the spectacular beauty of Oregon, dancing to Cuban rhythms, or in her garden.

Roland Barker
Roland Barker is an electronic musician and composer and has been part of Nicki's creative team since 1988 with the production of her "Journey with Eagle and Elephant" guided meditation tape. Over the years since he produced numerous guided meditation and music projects for Nicki. He became Nicki's webmaster in 1999 building and managing her various websites through 2019. Roland resides on the island of Kauai with his wife Lisa where they have a homestead and vanilla farm.

Normandi Ellis is an author, playwright, poet and translator, most well-known for her translation of the Egyptian Book of the Dead, Awakening Osiris. For the last 20 years pilgrims throughout Egypt have regarded her translations of the Book of the Dead, Awakening Osiris, as the essential text for any pilgrimage through the ancient Egyptian temples.
Normandi Ellis is the author of six books, including two award-winning collections of fiction, Sorrowful Mysteries and Fresh Fleshed Sisters. Her spiritual autobiography Dreams of Isis has been the touchstone for many modern day seekers. Among her other works are: Feasts of Light, Voice Forms (poetry) and the Co-Author of The Union of Isis and Thoth with Nicki.
She is a past winner of the Bumbershoot Award for Literature and grants from the Kentucky Foundation for Women and a certified poetry therapist.
Read about the story of Sekhmet from Normandi's book, Feasts of Light.
Articles: What Egypt Still Has to Teach Us

Bo Clark
Bo Clark is an Alchemical Healing teacher, Reiki Master and group facilitator. Bo's vision to empower others to recognize their gifts and support them on their inherent path became "Hawks Above" in 1996. Bo and the other fine teachers at Hawks Above share their knowledge in a safe, positive, and nurturing atmosphere. As a healer, she works with spirit guides and totems using Shamanism techniques to awaken and rekindle the ancient healing power and knowledge that lies deep within each of us. She worked with Nicki for many years and has traveled with Nicki to Egypt as well as co-leading shamanic journeys to Peru.

Debbie Clarkin
Debbie Clarkin lives in Armstrong, British Columbia, Canada . She has been using alternative and natural heath care and doing intuitive readings for her family, friends and clients for over thirty years. Already trained as a holistic and intuitive healer she started working with Nicki Scully in 2003. She traveled to Egypt with Nicki in 2006 and was initiated into the Egyptian Mysteries. In 2007 Debbie joined the Lineage of Thoth to become the first teacher of Alchemical Healing in Canada. She offers classes not only in Armstrong, BC but, throughout Canada. Debbie also teaches and guides you in developing your own intuition through her course on Exploring the Energetic World and Developing Intuition.

David Groode
David is an awakener and has been doing Intuitive Readings and Numerology for over 30 years.
Working with an international Global Clientele - David has created a Rock Star Career as an Intuitive Reader - supporting people to see what they can't see in order to achieve their dreams.
The clarity that comes through in one session with David can take years to arrive at in life - making it a breakthrough acceleration towards healing and integration and taking your life to the next level.

Rev Charla Hermann
Rev. Charla Hermann is Grandmother Blue Otter, a Medicine Woman, ceremonialist for the Clan of the Blue Star Grandmothers, Alchemical Healing teacher and Spirit Dance intercessor. Charla’s skills were initially chiseled in the boardrooms of CNN, ABC, and CBS before she found her passion in Sweat Lodges, Sun Dances and for many years at OCF’s Altared Space. She produced the acclaimed documentary series, Quest of the Earth Keepers, in which she weaves healing stories with prophecies of our Native ancestors. She is the founder and director of the Hawkwind Earth Renewal Cooperative, based in Alabama.
Raised in the Spiritual arms of the Wind River Reservation of Wyoming, Charla brings forth a unique perspective that honors ancient traditions as well as new edge shamanism. For more than 40 years she has served at the sides of prominent medicine men and women of many nations, providing tools and wisdom teachings to help us through the tumultuous Earth Changes of our time. She brings forth a message of rebirth, renewal and hope as we enter a new paradigm of harmony and cooperation.

Sharlyn Hidalgo, MA lives in Seattle,Washington and is happily married with two grown children and two newly welcomed cats. She has worked as a public school teacher of all ages from kindergarten through high school and community college levels. She has a master’s degree in psychology and has worked as a therapist in private practice as well as community mental health centers.
Although she is semi-retired she still delights in reading tarot and doing astrological readings as well as teaching the Egyptian and the Celtic Mysteries. She offers a yearly apprenticeship of Celtic Tree teachings and also teaches classes on art and the mandala. From time to time, she teaches classes on tarot and astrology.
She is currently working on a book entitled The Healing Power of the Sacred Sites of Ancient Egypt and the Neteru as well as Egyptian Oracle cards with Blue Angel that are based on the work she has created from her nine journeys to Egypt and her leadership of spiritual pilgrimage there. She just returned from her 9th trip to Egypt in April of 2024 and is currently mentoring women who desire to lead spiritual journeys to Egypt. She enjoys teaching and practicing Alchemical Healing which she has done since 2008. This is a powerful shamanic energetic healing form that is sourced in Egypt and developed by Nicki Scully.
Sharlyn is also an author of many books: The Healing Power of Trees: Spiritual Journeys through the Celtic Tree Calendar, Celtic Tree Rituals: Ceremonies for the Thirteen Moon Months and a Day, Celtic Tree Ogham: Rituals and Teachings of the Aicme Ailim Vowels and the Forfeda, Nazmy: Love is my Religion: Egypt, Travel, and a Quest for Peace and a novel: The Pharaoh’s Daughter: A Spiritual Sojourn: The Healing Power of Past, Present, and Future Lives in Egypt. Sharlyn also has an oracle deck with Blue Angel entitled Celtic Tree Oracle.

Danielle Rama Hoffman
Danielle Rama Hoffman is a 4x best-selling author, international channel, and legacy-work coach to thousands around the world. She is the co-creator (with her business partner and guide Thoth) of the Multi-D Abundance Method™️, Divine Light Activation, The Magdalene Manifestation Card Deck, and an advanced spiritual mentorship program, Sahu: Be Your Fully Realized Self, where her specialty is leading high performing coaches, healers, mentors, corporate leaders and spiritual teachers to embody their Divine self, create their UNIQUE legacy body of work (book, program, business) with Source to add $50k+ to their bottom line anytime they choose and to fulfill their given mission fully re-Sourced with Yummy Money, Sublime Time, Divine Relationships and Radiant Energy.

Dea Lisk
Dea Lisk M.A., FNTP Trained with Nicki in 2003 and became an Alchemical Healing Instructor Level in 2007. She incorporates Alchemical Healing in all aspects of her life and her Life's work: Energy and Nutritional Therapies. She has been in private practice as a Holistic Healer and Nutritional Therapist for over 18 years. She holds a Bachelors Degree in Humanities with a concentration in Mythology and Sacred Narrative, and a Masters Degree in Special Education. She worked for many years in public schools and brings this experience to her work with young people and people of all ages and neurodiverse backgrounds.

Mz. Imani
At her core, Mz. imani is a “people’s artist”. She is a ceremonialist who sings for the water, drums for peace and dances for Life. She makes art for the eARTh and resides in the homelands of the Ani’-Yun’wiya (Cherokee/Tsalagi) now known as Swannanoa, NC. Mz. imani is Curator of the 18th Peace Chamber + SoulFire Sanctuary – a ceremonial dance grounds and nature sanctuary – home to the 18th Peace Chamber and Mama Mojo’s Mystery School, where the WErk is all about having some fun while reb’eARThing our Personal and Collective WErld with music, dance, art and dialogue. Having the good fortune to learn a few things while playing and WErking with elders, mentors, visionary artists, musicians, healers, peers, and First Nation Grandmothers of powerful prayer, her skill set is unique and finely tuned to….magic.

Kathryn Ravenwood began her studies with Nicki Scully in 1997 during a Sekhmet retreat in Pt. Townsend, Washington. At that workshop Thoth, previously unknown to her, appeared during a journey to Sekhmet and claimed her, saying “you are mine!” That began Kathryn’s deep dive into the Egyptian Mysteries with Nicki and Normandi Ellis. She became an initiated member of the Lineage of Thoth in Egypt in 2001, shortly after the World Trade Center attack. Kathryn also became an Alchemical Healing practitioner and teacher, sharing the wisdom of Thoth with clients and students.
Kathryn began her love of the mysteries at age nineteen and has made them her primary focus for over fifty years. From decades of working with the Tarot, Kathryn brings through the guid- ance of Thoth and the Great Council of Tarot for personal alchemical transformation. As a cere- monialist and teacher she guides people on their journeys of spiritual exploration, helping them discover the Truth within themselves.
Kathryn is a Priestess for the Water and author of How To Create Sacred Water: A Guide to Ritu- als and Practices, (introduction by Nicki Scully) published by Inner Traditions*Bear & Co. 2012. She is a contributing author to Invoking the Scribes of Ancient Egypt: The Initiatory Path of Spiritual Journaling, Ellis and Taylor Brown, published by Inner Traditions * Bear & Co., 2011; as well as in Stepping Into Ourselves: An Anthology of Writings of Priestesses, published by Goddess Ink., 2014.
She currently lives in Yucaipa, California

Zahra Indigo Rønlov MA
Ecopsychologist; Alchemical Healer; Spiritual Guide, Consultant, & Coach; Priestess of Ma’at; Minister of Prayer; Egypt Pilgrimage Leader; Teacher; Ceremonialist; Author; Artist; Student; and Mom.
Zahra Indigo received her master's degree in ecopsychology from Naropa University. She is in the Lineage of Djehuti and was trained and certified by Nicki Scully as a practitioner and teacher of Alchemical Healing and the Egyptian Mysteries. She has led hundreds of seekers through the sacred land of Egypt. She is a Sufi initiate with the Inayatiyya Sufi Order and is a Minister of Walking Prayer with the Center for Sacred Studies. As a Priestess of the ancient Egyptian goddess Ma’at, she serves Truth, Natural Order, Cosmic Law, Justice, Harmony, and Balance in every way she is able to perceive it.
With an endless entrepreneurial spirit, Zahra Indigo owns and operates Sacred Witness LLC, the parent company for a few subsidiaries. Blue Lotus Alchemy offers 1:1 healing sessions. Sacred Witness Pilgrimages offers sacred travel in Egypt. Truthouse Press is where her first book, The Gifts of Ma’at was published. Zahra Indigo is grateful to guide those who join her through their transformation and healing by creating a safe space for physical, spiritual, and emotional wellness to take root. Additionally, she is in the process of opening Biophilia Boutique, cultivating plants and wellbeing.
As a Sacred Witness to the unfolding complexity, beauty, and mystery of this existence, it is Zahra Indigo’s intention to live life in service to the sacred and the health of our planet and all who reside here. Though the spectrum of experiences her life has offered, she has discovered something quite profound and most rewarding and looks forward to sharing with you.

Gloria Taylor Brown
Gloria Taylor Brown is a modern mystic and visionary. She is well grounded in New Thought principles, Alchemical Healing and traditional shamanic methods. An acclaimed and much-appreciated teacher, she has taught at the University level as well as at various conferences and internationally.
Gloria is both clairvoyant and clairaudient and has powerful psychic powers that she readily shares, especially in her healing and teaching work.
She has been a student of Egyptian and Greek Mysteries since childhood, as well as the Native American traditions that are part of her heritage.
She has worked with Nicki Scully since 1985. First as a student, studying Alchemical and Planetary Healing, as well as Egyptian Mysteries, she went on to become a Certified Alchemical Healing Teacher and has co-taught with Nicki in Eugene, Oregon and in Egypt.
Gloria assisted Nicki in the editing of The Shamanic Mysteries of Egypt and collaborated with Nicki and Mark Hallert to create the new Becoming an Oracle program (to be released by Sounds True, Spring, 2009)
A Voice for Spirit is a regular free broadcast that explores the universe, where Gloria, accompanied by a variety of Spirits and Guides, with frequent terrestrial guests, providing a door into the Spirit world for healing and transformation.